What we feel in our nervous system is the only truth. When we're separate from that truth of our nervous system and embody a story in any way, that is what causes our pain.

Look at what it is, not just your reactions to things. Your reactions come from a story. They are not from resonance with who we are and are not relevant. Embrace all the energy so that you may know the full picture.

"We are resonant where we exist as ourself, in wonder, where the energy flows free. Not in the lie of definity."

Anytime we blame others for the problems that exist within us, the more we give ourselves away. Accountability is only our own. Nobody else could do that for us.

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There are stories that we make up that surround the origin from which they came from and that is where we cause unrest. Peace exists only when one exists from their origin, their actual resonantly felt form. Here in this place, is all we are and in that place all is known including one another because that is the place we are all one. That is the place where we and all creation is complete as ourselves.

Hijacked from the relationships that you once knew, you were just separating from the truth of what you were before this. You we're not wrong before you took on the destructive cycles and patterns in relationships that were showed to you. You thought that the importance of changing yourself would help you adapt. You were just attached to your nervous system, to who you really were before you rejected it. That is your actual self.


Whatever it is, it doesn't mean what the stories make it mean.

Is the only truth of your intuition saying everything else is a story?

Are you wanting to learn who we all are through listening to our actual self?

To truly know the flow as our nervous system? 

To know what's truly relevant in life?

Truly knowing each other in clarity through truly holding space for ourselves and one another?

Uncover the actual truth of what our consciousness is fully saying about our relationships?

Reveal the stories we truly believe, preventing us from living and seeing clearly?

Are you ready to know that resonance is the only path to meeting yourself?

To know that holding space for others is one thing, but the weight of their relationships is only theres to bare?

To know that you are the only relationship for yourself?

To know that you are the only one who could encourage yourself, even if they (whomever it is) encourages you?

To know that you can hold the door open for the truth, but you cannot walk through for them?


Are you ready to live for you, the only holder of truth for you and show up for yourself? to start listening to what is truly resonant and what is actually relevant? To have a healthy distance from others as it's needed for all of us to grow healthy relationships? Are you ready to be completely transparent and honest with yourself and everyone who is in your corner, letting go of all that is not accurate, healthy or sustainable? Judgment and logic from past trauma is not the truth but an experience of consciousness. Its a response relationship and is only a part of the story, not from intuition or neural connection. What is resonant about someone is all that's relevant about someone, because that is all there really is.

I uncover emotional and mental manipulation by uncovering my own relationships. Understanding that it's from these stories that we create in our minds that get us to resist our nervous system, which can only say "who I am." The same neural network which is in our bodies stretches throughout the entirety of the universe and lets us know what the truth really is within all that's within and around us. I am able to exist in a way on a daily basis that is from genuine connections and not from any kind of mental or emotional manipulation, idea, curriculum, conceptualization or construct which could only remove us from experiencing life from who we actually are. Supporting the part of our consciousness that is experiencing life as irrelevant, painful constructs and definitive relationships to really heal ourselves from these inaccuracies.

My name is Paul Barboza and I am here to bring us back home to ourselves. My healing sessions are here to only help bring you back into resonance, truth and wellness, to uncover and encourage genuine and natural connections, so that you may know for yourself the peace of clarity that comes from being aware of what really matters, uncovering the stories that specifically keep you from living. Forming relationships that come from your true origin.

My work and this page is dedicated to Robert Charles Braunewell of Boston. May he be forever as our hearts ❤️💙

All is within us. The only relevant part of us is within you, and the only relevant part of you is within us. This is one energy, one place. This is a message for all of us.

May we all live home.

To schedule an appointment, or talk one on one, I would love to hear from you. For either a one on one session in the place that you desire most or over the phone, our first session would be free. To become a regular client I take whatever donation you see fit, either in person or on the go and I will help you in the resonant way that I feel will gain you the awareness you need to transform your relationships so you can live your life as yourself, to recognize and transform your relationships to live from the only clarity that we really have and need.

I am here for you, to support your nervous system, where you exist from. You are life. You are not wrong and have never been wrong by living in your truth. You have never been meant to feel that you are in any way. This is who you are. I'm not here to just give to you a storyline to fulfill or follow but by doing the intuitive work and listening to your consciousness, transforming your relationships by ridding of the stories and whatever is not in resonance.

Thank you for your presence and support.

"I can't share myself completely in this world, if I am not here completely."

-Paul Barboza,

Self Actualiser, Artist, Healer, Musician and Guide

"We can truly trust with our nervous system, those who are our true friends, because they are in their nervous system with us, not stuck inside a storyline outside of us."

If you are interested in an interview for your appointment or have ongoing consultation, I can help guide you to know and feel for yourself what is your needed, next step. Just call, email or text me at the number or email me at anytime. I am here to help.


I could meet you in person, locally or come to you if you are in the Southern Massachusetts, Eastern Connecticut or any Rhode Island areas.

Call or Text


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